SciFi Movies by ChatGPT


Hey, guys! 

Não sei se vocês sabem, mas eu sou um grande fã de SciFi, ou Science Fiction. Temas como viagem espacial, exploração da galáxia, alienígenas, espaçonaves, inteligência artificial, enfim, todo o universo da ficção científica me atrai bastante. 

Pensando nisso, em busca de novos conteúdos do gênero e explorando também ferramentas tecnológicas atuais, acessei o chatGPT  e solicitei o seguinte comando:

"SciFi Movie List"

Compartilho com vocês os resultados. Apesar de ser uma ótima lista, já assisti 13 dos 15. Mesmo assim, vale a pena conferir:

Certainly! Here's a list of some classic and popular science fiction movies that you might enjoy:

1. **Blade Runner** (1982) - A neo-noir dystopian classic directed by Ridley Scott.

2. **2001: A Space Odyssey** (1968) - Directed by Stanley Kubrick, this is a masterpiece of the genre.

3. **The Matrix** (1999) - A mind-bending story of a computer hacker who discovers a dystopian world.

4. **Star Wars** (The Original Trilogy) - Epic space opera that needs no introduction.

5. **Alien** (1979) - Ridley Scott's iconic horror/sci-fi film set in space.

6. **The Terminator** (1984) - The start of the franchise featuring killer robots.

7. **The Fifth Element** (1997) - A colorful and action-packed sci-fi adventure.

8. **E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial** (1982) - Steven Spielberg's heartwarming tale of friendship with an alien.

9. **Inception** (2010) - Christopher Nolan's mind-bending exploration of dreams and reality.

10. **Interstellar** (2014) - Another Nolan film, focusing on space travel and saving humanity.

11. **The Martian** (2015) - Matt Damon plays an astronaut stranded on Mars.

12. **District 9** (2009) - A thought-provoking film about aliens living as refugees on Earth.

13. **The War of the Worlds** (2005) - Steven Spielberg's adaptation of H.G. Wells' classic alien invasion story.

14. **Arrival** (2016) - A cerebral exploration of first contact with extraterrestrial beings.

15. **Mad Max: Fury Road** (2015) - A post-apocalyptic action film set in a harsh desert wasteland.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more fantastic science fiction movies out there, spanning a wide range of themes and styles. Enjoy your sci-fi movie marathon!

Não esqueçam de conferir a classificação indicativa, hein? 

See you! 


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